
The identification of the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus is a reminder of how important it is that we maintain our awareness of the continuing threat of the virus and our vigilance in combatting the spread of it.  We must not allow the freedoms enabled by the success of the UK’s vaccination programme to conceal the real threat of Covid-19, which is still wreaking huge health, social  and economic damage in many countries, including several in Western Europe.

Pending more information about Omicron, the Committee is not proposing any changes to the current advice for members of and visitors to the Club, but it does urge all to observe the principles of the ‘Hands, Face, Space’ regime:

Wash or sanitise your hands frequently

Keep internal spaces well ventilated and wear masks when appropriate

Avoid close contacts generally, especially with groups of 6 persons or more indoors

MOST IMPORTANTLY – don’t come to the Club if you – or a member of your household – are exhibiting Covid symptoms or have been told to self-isolate or are awating the results of a Covid-19 test.

Let us not give up the hard-won progress we have made by the sacrifices of the last two years.

The Committee will continue to monitor any further Government guidance as more is learnt about this variant and will issue further updates and revisions to the Club’s COVID operating procedures where necessary.

The Covid-19 Working Group

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