SBSC 50th Celebrations


To mark this half-centenary event and as an opportunity to catch up on friends and developments at the Club, I would like to invite you to an

Informal social at the reservoir on Saturday 4 September, from 4.00 to 7.00pm.

It was scheduled for last year but, like so many plans during the pandemic, it had to be postponed. A varied and very tasty buffet will be provided – and it’s free of charge!  I gather we are expecting a heat wave around that time, in which case we will be outside in the sunshine. I do hope you will be able to accept. It would be helpful for catering purposes if you could let me know in advance if you do intend to be there on



Onboard youth group

Pre booking will now be available.

Saturday 7th August is our next youth group. I will be taking bookings if you wish to secure a place – Beginners, intermediate and advanced. You will still be charged if you don’t cancel at least 24hrs before, so if unsure please just turn up on the day to not take a place away from someone else. This is a trial to see how well it works.

Please email me through or message. I will keep our Facebook Onbiard youth group page updated

We look forward to seeing you

RYA Youth Course update

Dear parents,

We need to keep your children and our young instructors safe at this time with likely increases in Covid amongst the unvaccinated over the summer months. Therefore, I’m asking all parents to carry out a lateral flow test on each child before they attend Sutton Bingham Sailing Club courses (either the day before, Tuesday or the morning of the first day) whether they have any symptoms or not.

These can be ordered online from: and take approx. 24hrs to arrive

If positive or your child is having to self isolate please do not attend.

We are a small club but safety to our young people is paramount, therefore, if your child has any illness we are offering a full refund. Please give us as much notice as possible so we have an opportunity to contact others on our waiting list. We hope to run a full series of courses over the summer months for your child/ren and the many others who benefit so much from the whole experience.

We shall be operating in sailing stage bubbles and would value your support in maintaining safe Covid practice

Thank you for your co-operation

Chris Hutton

(Principal SBSC Training Centre)