
Working Party Days

We have two working parties over the next two Saturdays. The first one is shown on the Club year planner, but clashes with the Dinghy Show, so we have a second one on the following Saturday, 5 March.

The work is pretty manual and generally undemanding , so everyone can be found something useful to do.  As always, there are loads of brambles and other weeds to clear, litter- picking, tidying the boat shed, plus other routine maintenance tasks.

Both sessions will begin at about 0900 and continue for as long as members wish to stay. The forecast for this coming Saturday looks good at present: no rain and not too much wind.

I hope you will be able to attend at least one session. Wear suitable clothing and bring some useful tools. There is currently no plan for lunch, but we will probably rustle up some bacon rolls for a mid-morning snack.

Dave Saddington is leading the efforts, so let him or me know if you suggestions for jobs or have any questions.

Merv Clark


Duties – A Reminder

Each year you need to volunteer to help your fellow club members by doing either the safety boat or galley duties. A reminder of what is required –

Single members (16 years+) & Family members where 1 adult sails – a minimum of 2 duties

Family members where 2 adults sail – a minimum of 3 duties

Non-sailing members – no duties required

If you volunteer for more duties you can apply for a £10 discount on the following years membership fees.

There is the £100 opt-out so you don’t need to do duties but it is preferably that you don’t as we all work for each other.

Icicle Open Win for Curtis

Terry Curtis sailing an OK won the 2022 Icicle Open on the 30th Jan. SBSC’s Hamish Walker finished in 2nd in a RS Aero 7 and Sam Thomson was third in an OK. All the top 5 boats were extremely close to each other at the end and only a few more minutes of racing could have seen the victory go to Walker. Just as a pursuit race should be.

Full results can be found by clicking on the link – Full Results


The identification of the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus is a reminder of how important it is that we maintain our awareness of the continuing threat of the virus and our vigilance in combatting the spread of it.  We must not allow the freedoms enabled by the success of the UK’s vaccination programme to conceal the real threat of Covid-19, which is still wreaking huge health, social  and economic damage in many countries, including several in Western Europe.

Pending more information about Omicron, the Committee is not proposing any changes to the current advice for members of and visitors to the Club, but it does urge all to observe the principles of the ‘Hands, Face, Space’ regime:

Wash or sanitise your hands frequently

Keep internal spaces well ventilated and wear masks when appropriate

Avoid close contacts generally, especially with groups of 6 persons or more indoors

MOST IMPORTANTLY – don’t come to the Club if you – or a member of your household – are exhibiting Covid symptoms or have been told to self-isolate or are awating the results of a Covid-19 test.

Let us not give up the hard-won progress we have made by the sacrifices of the last two years.

The Committee will continue to monitor any further Government guidance as more is learnt about this variant and will issue further updates and revisions to the Club’s COVID operating procedures where necessary.

The Covid-19 Working Group

Flag Officer Vacancies

(a message from Merv Clark)

I hope that you will agree my belief that the Club has a friendly and welcoming ethos, with the principal objective of enabling its members to have fun, both on and off the water. This same spirit characterises the committee, which seeks constantly to improve what the Club offers by addressing identified shortcomings and welcoming new ideas.   

At the Club’s AGM two weeks ago, once again, a very talented and experienced committee was elected – for the most part, re-elected – but disappointingly there were no volunteers for any of the flag officer roles of Commodore, Vice-commodore or Rear-commodore.  It may be that some members believe these appointments are too onerous, or they feel inadequately experienced or qualified to undertake them. As part of a further appeal for volunteers to come forward, let me explain what is involved in each role.

The Commodore is effectively the chairman of the Club and, as such, guides the meetings of the committee with the active involvement of the other members. As the Club’s senior representative, together with the Secretary, he or she is also a principal point of contact for outside organisations. The Commodore does not have to be an active sailor, nor steeped in Club traditions or history, as he or she is supported by a very experienced, supportive and enthusiastic team of committee members, a number of whom have previously fulfilled the role of Commodore. Each new incumbent brings his or her own style to the role and it is up to the individual to decide how hands-on or hands-off they wish to be.

The Vice-commodore is generally – but not necessarily – the Commodore-in-waiting and acts in support of the Commodore – perhaps in undertaking some delegated responsibilities.

In other larger clubs, there may be a number of rear-commodores, who are responsible for specific areas of operations. SBSC has just one, who is traditionally chairman of the Sailing Committee – the group that creates and maintains the Club’s calendar of events and generally oversees its sailing infrastructure, both the physical facilities and documentation, such as sailing instructions. Ideally, an active sailor – but not necessarily a racer – is required for this role, but the members of the Sailing Committee will fill any gaps in knowledge and work together to produce and support the programme.

The Club relies on the active involvement of its membership to function effectively and to populate its committees. Can I urge you, then, to think seriously about increasing your support to the Club by volunteering for one of these vacancies? I joined the committee in the mid-90s and it has provided so much enjoyment and friendship that I have been a member of it ever since. If you are interested, but have any questions or concerns, I would be happy to address them with you.

Your Club needs your help. Come and join us in ensuring its continuing success.

Thank you. Merv Clark


Trophy Winners

If you are a winner of one of the trophies received at the prizegiving at the weekend, you will have noticed they were unable to be engraved first. Please can you get them to the club for this Sunday (31st Oct) as Chris Bottomley will be picking them up to get them engraved.

Annual prizegiving & social 23rd October

Where: The Royal George, High Street (A30), West Coker, BA22 9AN. Tel: 01935 862334

Parking: Large car park behind the pub.

Time: 7pm for 7.30pm – Prize Giving – meal at 8.15 approx.

Dress: Smart casual.


Beef chilli con carne and rice or Vegetarian chilli con carne and rice or Chicken and vegetable stew and baker’s bread

To follow:

Sticky toffee pudding or Apple and cinnamon crumble or Cheeseboard.

Entertainment: Yes – a club member hope to bring his band to entertain us.

Cost: The Club’s Committee have again agreed to subsidise the event so the cost will be £5 per head payable on the day.

Please book as soon as possible (certainly by Monday 18th October) as seating is limited with names and menu choices to:

Nigel by email: Tel: 01935 862126 or see you at the Club on Sundays.