Jan 2023 Newsletter
The first newsletter of 2023 should be in your email inbox now. With lots of news of the return of the armchair sailing events to kick off the year, there should be something for everyone.
Tidal Diamonds talk
Please so we know how many pasties to arrange, please can you register for the talk at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cruising-with-the-tidal-diamonds-tickets-515045353517
Armchair Sailing is back
There are a series of Thursday evening armchair sailing events starting again next week on the 19th January. Check out the calendar on the website or keep an eye on our Facebook page to see the dates. The program is as follows –
The club is keen to encourage members back into sailing activity after the disruption of the last couple of years. The committee is arranging a series of free Armchair Sailing events to encourage members to meet each other, make plans for enjoying sailing and build confidence ready for when the season starts in April.
The programme is a mix of socials and coaching aimed at getting members into the routine that Thursday Evening is for sailing. The aim is for sociable and fun sessions, so just come and enjoy your club and meet up with like minded sailors. There will be a separate novice start on Thursday evening.
Please express interest in attending to assist the organisers with catering and preparation. If you would like to help or contribute also make yourself known to James Harcourt (Rear Commodore) or Mike Riley (Treasurer).
The hot food will be simple fare such as chilli or stew. Heating will be on in the clubhouse, so save on your food and energy bills.
Thursday 19 Jan 19.30 to 21.30 Cruising with Tidal Diamonds. Talk with photos and videos of the cruising group adventures. Presenter Mike Burke. Hot food and refreshments provided.
Thursday 16 Feb 19.30 to 21.30 An Evening of Mind Games: fun for all ages.
Organiser Mervyn Clark. Hot food and refreshments provided.
2 March to 30 March 19.00 to 21.00 Couch to Competent Sailor.
A series of four evenings aimed at novices or folks whose knowledge/skills are rusty and would appreciate a refresher, covering everything you need to know to get out on the water. The goal is to bring you to a standard where you are confident enough to enjoy joining in fun racing on a Thursday evening and in doing so remove barriers to you getting on the water. Some material will be relevant to recreational sailing and cruising, so even if racing is not your thing, come along and learn how to sail better and chat to folks about your goals. Details of the content of each evening are being finalised and will be published, see below.
We are very fortunate to have excellent race coaches in our membership and Andrew Frost and Chris Jones have volunteered to deliver the indoor coaching sessions, supported by others. There will be open discussion sessions and opportunities to ask your questions or chat with more experienced members.
30th March.18.30 to 20.30 Weather and daylight permitting the final evening will be a practical session with a boat on shore looking at rigging a boat, sail setting and trim.
Starcross Steamer
If you are interested in taking part and representing our club in the Starcross Steamer on January 29th you will need to get your entry in asap as 29 of the 80 places have already been taken. It’s a fantastic event on the River Exe that you ought to do at least once. You can enter at https://www.starcrossyc.org.uk/open-events/opens
Club phone update
The clubs phone line has been updated to fibre to the cabinet which should mean a slight improvement on the internet speeds. There is also the hope that BT will be installing full fibre sometime in 2025 to look forward to. As part of this upgrade we have decided to drop the calls package that was included meaning every outgoing call on the phone will incur a charge, so please use your mobile if possible and if not could you pop £0.10p in the honesty tin used for the hot drinks.
Mince Pie excess blown away
The day dawned cold but with a bright sun and a decent breeze, Ten boats ventured onto the water, four of them from one family!
ROs James Harcourt and Roger Oliva-Knight organised the one race and prize giving.
Endeavour Prize: Tristan Thomas, Tera Sport
1st Double Hander: Katie and Ken Thomas, RS200
First Youth: Rosanna Thomas, Laser Pico
First Lady Helm: Eleanor Thomas, Laser 4.7
5th: Pete Barnstable, Supernova
4th: Howard Frear, Streaker
3rd: Chris Jones, RS Aero7
2nd: Hamish Walker, RS Aero7
1st: Andrew Frost, RS Aero7
All the above had a good sail to blow the Christmas Cobwebs away along with a few members who came to watch. A buffet lunch was put on by the Club served by Wendy Jackson. My thanks to Matthew Twitchen for being my OOD partner.
THERE WILL BE SAILING NEXT SUNDAY 1st JANUARY as members present today said they would be OODs.
Merry Christmas & the Cold Turkey
It has warmed up, slightly, and the forecast for the 26th is good.
Winter sailing
visit the https://www.suttonbinghamsc.net/w/join-us/ page to find out full details including cost. There will be 3 races per Sunday, weather allowing of course.
Duties for 2023
Sunday duties for 2023 are now available for volunteering in DutyMan. Unfortunately the Sailing Calendar has yet to be completed so there are several “To Be Confirmed” events/dates in the roster. Please note that other events may also be added or removed or amended and these details will be included in DutyMan as and when they become available.