Racing rules seminar

We have received an open invitation from Bristol Corinthians YC for an Evening Talk & Social at BCYC, Cheddar Reservoir to look at the new 2017-2020 rules. Anyone interested should contact Sally Campbell at The event is 7-8.30pm on Wednesday 22 March. More details on the BCYC website.

Armchair Sailing – Sail Making Secrets presented by Moatt Sails

Thursday evening summer sailing starts early this year with a series of talks running throughout March.

The Sailing Committee hope they we have chosen topics that will be of interest to everyone that races at the club. The talks will be held in the clubhouse with each talk starting at 6.30pm and running through to about 8pm, whereupon those interested can decamp to a local hostelry for a drink or late supper.

We hope you will support this new initiative and make a date for Thursday evenings in the warmth of our clubhouse. Click on the link below to register. Please book your places early as a minimum of 10 pre-booked members is required to run each event.

Here are details of the first event on Thursday 9th March:…



Come to the club and take part in or just spectate the ‘Cold Turkey’ sail on Tuesday 27th December with one race starting at 11.30


Prizes for the best Christmas themed outfit and decorated dinghy will be awarded.

Hugh will have the galley open for some Christmas goodies and his famous ‘non- alcoholic’ punch.

How can you resist such an offer!


Winter Membership Offer

Winter Membership Offer


Sutton Bingham SC are offering members of neighbouring sea sailing clubs; Castle Cove, Beer, Lyme Regis and even those further afield with restricted access to sailing during the winter to come and race with us at our friendly club near Yeovil.

We have 3 races each Sunday: Race 1 – 11.30am, Race 2 – 1.30pm and Race 3 back-to-back after race 2. Hot food is available from the galley at lunchtime and our winter package includes a space to store your boat (subject to availability).

Why not join us Jan – Mar 2017? It’s just £25 for double-handers and £20 for single-handers. Interested? Contact Mervyn Clark our Membership Secretary at

Please pass on the word to members of your sailing club.


Steve Cockerill “Boat Whisperer” Talk

Hi Everyone,

Your sailing committee is considering inviting Steve Cockerill to the club in the New Year to do his Boat Whisperer Talk.

We need to know if there is enough interest from club members to make the event viable. The club is prepared to subsidise the event providing sufficient members would like to attend.

Here are the proposed details:


Steve Cockerill, The Boat Whisper

Thursday 26 January, 7pm

£10 to include supper

Please indicate your interest by responding to the post on our Facebook page or Yahoo newsgroup if you would like to attend the event and reserve the date in your diary. We hope to confirm the date by the New Year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


SW Youth Training Academy at SBSC

Just a quick post to let everyone know that the South West Youth Sailing Academy have approached SBSC requesting to visit the reservoir for a couple of weekends over the coming winter season. This has been agreed to and they will be joining us over the weekends of 10/11th Dec ’16 and 21/22 Jan. ’17.

These sessions form a part of their overall 6 month winter training programme which includes both initial sailing & race training at a variety of sea, river and reservoir venues.

They will be conducting a programme of structured training both on and off the water, using their own boats which comprise mainly RS Teras and Toppers.

There are a limited number of places available for cadet sailors from SBSC to join this training programme whilst they are at our reservoir. If you know of any SBSC cadet sailor who would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please let me know before December 6th (Tuesday week), either directly or via the email group.

Richard Frost