We still have some spaces on summer courses

YSS 03 – Full

YSS 04 – Start racing only available

YSS 05 – 2 x level 1 only

YSS 06 – spaces on level 2, 3.5/4 and start racing

YSS 07 – spaces on level 1, 2 and 3.5/4

YSS 08 – spaces on level 1, 2, 3 and 3.5/4

YSS 09 spaces only for level 1

We are running Intermediate racing on YSS 03 and YSS 05. We might run other courses if there is sufficient interest. If you would like any more information on availability or courses we offer then please email training@suttonbinghamsc.net .

The Club Re-opens

The club is very please to announce that it is re-opening for club members only to social sail in limited numbers. Anyone wishing to attend must make a booking through the Eventbrite link provided on the website page – here

There are very strict safety measures in place fully detailed on the page that must be adhered to. Your committee has worked extremely hard to put these in place so please abide by them.