New Flag Officers
2025 sees Jo Mahy take over the reigns as Commodore of the club. She is regularly sailing one of her fleet of Scorpions at the club so should be easy to find should need to have a chat. Jo is our second female Commodore following the footsteps of Jenny Ke ...
Subscribe to the Calendar
You can now subscribe to the events calendar easily by clicking on the link in the Events menu on the website. This will then allow you to save an ics file to your device. You can then import this to your calendar app and you will see all the SBSC events ...
First Aid Course
There is a first aid course scheduled for Tuesday, April 2nd. There are 12 places, available to all members but club instructors will be given first priority. The cost is £30 each and instructors costs will be reimbursed. To sign up please go to webcollec ...
Sailing Arrangements over the Christmas Holidays
24th Dec Christmas Eve No Sailing 26th Dec Boxing Day COLD TURKEY RACE One race starting 11.30, prizes for best decorated boat, helm, crew etc. Volunteers required for OODs and Race Officer. Mince Pies, nibbles, soft drinks available. 31st Dec N ...
SBSC Club Rules
The Club rules have been updated for 2023 and can be found in the downloads section of the website
Club Trophies
If you have a Club trophy that needs engraving please can you return it to the Clubhouse by the end of sailing on Sunday 26th November and Chris Bottomley will take it in to be engraved. Thank you
RNLI Pursuit & Roger’s Race
Last Sunday…yeah sorry it’s taken a while, but it was windy and the body still aches and all that. In the morning there was a gentle F2-3 and blazing sunshine greeting the competitors. While the clouds started to form, the windy slowly built to a good ...
Summers over….officially
Sunday was the end of the Summer Racing Series and Thursday was the last of this year's Evening sailing series. Thanks to everyone who took their turn to Race Officer and carry out OOD duties. Due to our reduced membership we no longer have su ...
Annual Trophies
Please can anyone who has one of the club annual trophies return it to the club house by Sunday 9th October so they can be presented for 2023 at the prizegiving at the end of the month.