Youth Course Dates for 2017 starting with the Easter holidays and then a full programme right through the summer holidays are now on the Learn to Sail section.
Race Training, Feb / Mar
Now is the time to be sharpening up your skills to get a leap on the competition and to enhance your racing enjoyment. Chris Jones is hosting race training sessions, 11am-4pm on the following Saturdays:
11th February
25th February
4th March*
The sessions are open to all members who wish to improve their racing skills. The content of each day will be influenced by wind conditions and ability of the group but will include core skills such as boat handling, starts, mark rounding and race tactics.
It’s £15 for single-handers and £20 for double-handers. To reserve your place please email Sessions are limited to 12 boats and all classes are welcome.
* Please note the change from 11 March previously posted
Come to the club and take part in or just spectate the ‘Cold Turkey’ sail on Tuesday 27th December with one race starting at 11.30
Prizes for the best Christmas themed outfit and decorated dinghy will be awarded.
Hugh will have the galley open for some Christmas goodies and his famous ‘non- alcoholic’ punch.
How can you resist such an offer!
Winter Membership Offer
Winter Membership Offer
Sutton Bingham SC are offering members of neighbouring sea sailing clubs; Castle Cove, Beer, Lyme Regis and even those further afield with restricted access to sailing during the winter to come and race with us at our friendly club near Yeovil.
We have 3 races each Sunday: Race 1 – 11.30am, Race 2 – 1.30pm and Race 3 back-to-back after race 2. Hot food is available from the galley at lunchtime and our winter package includes a space to store your boat (subject to availability).
Why not join us Jan – Mar 2017? It’s just £25 for double-handers and £20 for single-handers. Interested? Contact Mervyn Clark our Membership Secretary at
Please pass on the word to members of your sailing club.
Steve Cockerill “Boat Whisperer” Talk
Hi Everyone,
Your sailing committee is considering inviting Steve Cockerill to the club in the New Year to do his Boat Whisperer Talk.
We need to know if there is enough interest from club members to make the event viable. The club is prepared to subsidise the event providing sufficient members would like to attend.
Here are the proposed details:
Steve Cockerill, The Boat Whisper
Thursday 26 January, 7pm
£10 to include supper
Please indicate your interest by responding to the post on our Facebook page or Yahoo newsgroup if you would like to attend the event and reserve the date in your diary. We hope to confirm the date by the New Year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
New Instructors
Great commitment and sailing talent from some of our younger club members has resulted in five of them becoming RYA Dinghy Instructors.
Having been initially identified by Mark Talbot as potential instructors they have spent time as Assistant Instructors teaching youngsters on our summer courses and following intensive training over three weekends run by Pete Muskett and Jen Miller, both Coach Assessors with the RYA, they have now gained their full qualification.
They are :- Kelsey Green, Lewis Perry, Sam Barnes-Thornton, Annie and Sophie Talbot.
I would like to congratulate them for their achievement, Mark for his support, encouragement and guidance and David Thomson as our RYA Club Principal.
Phil Bailey
RYA Cruising Conference
The RYA Cruising Conference SW which is being held at South Devon College, Paignton, Devon on Saturday 14th January 2017. The event is for all cruising boaters both sail and motor.…/rya-south-west-cruising-conference-…
Booking is online as is payment through the link on the poster or directly through Eventbrite at…
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
I look forward to seeing you at the RYA Cruising Conference SW.
Tony Wood
Regional Development Officer (SW)
RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31 4YA
T: 07876 330374
Full proceedings from the AGM held on Wednesday 9 November will be reported in the next newsletter, however, the report from our outgoing Commodore, Andy Roxburgh, gives a very good overview of club activities and achievements over the year… We trumped the opposition in the home leg of the Banbury Chaser and the Triangle Cup […]
AGM 2016 Review
RNLI Open – Howards Way
We were all expecting a strongish northerly breeze with a start – and most of the course – down the Halstock leg. In the event we had a fitful westerly with lots of holes and a few gusts. The original course included a short dog leg from 6 back up to 5 before going down towards 3, partly to avoid the shallows off this point. In the event this was changed to leave out 5 and apologies to those who missed this change of course. Sixteen boats entered and after just under an hour for the leading boats, the results were Continue Reading
Club Championships 2016
The Sutton Bingham Sailing Club 2016 Club Championship took place over the weekends of 2nd and 9th October. Originally scheduled for Sunday the 2nd, the complete absence of wind after the first race lead to postponement of the 2nd and third races to the following Sunday.
Last year, Rob Dyer was crowned Champion after turning up for the two afternoon races which he won outright. This year Rob has won the cup yet again but this time had a bit more work to do.
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