Covid Lockdown 2 Restart

As you will know, from Wednesday, 2 December, our area will be in Tier 2 of the Government’s new virus control arrangements and I am pleased to say that we will therefore be open for sailing on Sundays from 6 December. You may be aware that we have for some years not opened on Saturdays from the first of December to the end of March, owing to the lack of interest and to conserve OOD duties.

For the time being, the basis of operating will be as before the lockdown, People wishing to attend will need to book via the Eventbrite system and the clubhouse will remain off-limits, with the exception of access to the toilets. Changing rooms and showers will not be available and the galley will remain closed.

The Government has said it will keep its system of tiers and associated restrictions under regular review. The Club will continue to monitor the changing situation and the advice provided by the RYA and revise its arrangements accordingly. Activities over the festive season will be advised closer to the time. Note that the Club’s AGM has been delayed until 24 February, 2021 and will be held on-line.

Dutyman will be open for bookings and I would ask you to register for duties – which will continue to include OOD C – so that we have the required safety cover.

Hopefully, the next news will be better and allow us to open more of our facilities.

Meanwhile, stay safe and remember: hands, face, space.

Merv Clark


Dear Member

Further to my message of 5 November, we have now received guidance from the RYA, which says that:

sailing clubs must remain closed while the current restrictions are in force
critical boat maintenance which cannot wait until the end of the lock down may be a ‘reasonable excuse’ for leaving home, provided it is done alone, with members of the same household or support bubble, or with one other person in line with Government guidance. Removing boats for critical maintenance seems to be a reasonable extension of this exception.
similarly, critical club maintenance may be undertaken provided it is in accordance with the Government’s regulations.
As I mentioned in my previous message, regular inspections will be made of the premises and the boats belonging to the Club and its members. Additional inspections will be made in the event of high winds or other unusual weather events.

To avoid members being stopped and possibly fined for breaching the current regulations, you are strongly advised not to enter the Club’s site except in the most urgent and exceptional circumstances. At least one member was questioned by the police during the last lock down.

I will provide further information as necessary.

All the best and stay safe.

Merv Clark



New COVID lockdown

As you know, Parliament has approved a national lock-down in England with effect from today and continuing until 2 December. 

It is not yet entirely clear whether ‘exercise’ – which is permitted – extends to sailing, but given the many activities which are prohibited, and the restrictions on contacts between different households, it seems unlikely that we will be able to continue sailing on the reservoir. The RYA is in contact with the Government to seek clarification and will provide advice to clubs as soon as it is able to do so. 

For the time being then, the Club is immediately suspending all sailing and other activities and is also asking members not to enter the premises for any reason. As with the first lock down, regular inspections will be conducted and the members concerned will be advised if there is a problem with individual boats or other equipment on site. Please contact me or another member of the committee if there is an important action you wish to be taken on your behalf.

I will let you know as soon as further information is received. Meanwhile, let us all support the Government in its efforts to bring the virus under control.

With best wishes

Merv Clark


This Sunday is the annual RNLI pursuit and also Roger’s Race in the morning.

You still have to register through the Eventbrite link once it is live as usual, otherwise no sailing – keep your eyes peeled on our page to see when it’s open.

Club Champs 2020

The club champs are on (at present providing no restrictions come into force in the next week) next Sunday at 11.30. The usual COVID related number restrictions will be in place so get yourself signed up as soon as the registrations open. You can find the notice of race telling you all the details at here