A series of four evenings aimed at novices or folks whose knowledge/skills are rusty and would appreciate a refresher, covering everything you need to know to get out on the water. The goal is to bring you to a standard where you are confident enough to enjoy joining in fun racing on a Thursday evening and in doing so remove barriers to you getting on the water. Some material will be relevant to recreational sailing and cruising, so even if racing is not your thing, come along and learn how to sail better and chat to folks about your goals. Details of the content of each evening are being finalised and will be published, see below.
We are very fortunate to have excellent race coaches in our membership and Andrew Frost and Chris Jones have volunteered to deliver the indoor coaching sessions, supported by others. There will be open discussion sessions and opportunities to ask your questions or chat with more experienced members.
30th March.18.30 to 20.30 Weather and daylight permitting the final evening will be a practical session with a boat on shore looking at rigging a boat, sail setting and trim
Please register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/couch-to-competent-sailor-tickets-558215837597