With South Somerset now placed in Tier 4, the associated restrictions mean that the Club must discontinue its programme of sailing with immediate effect. Although the rules allow individuals to sail for exercise. the need for safety cover and other infrastructure support mean that organisation would be required, thus negating this exception. Organised outdoor sport for under 18s and disabled people is permissible, however, we do not have any of these activities planned for early 2021. As in the past, the Club will keep the situation under close review and monitor the vital guidance provided by the RYA. As soon as it is possible to resume sailing, we will ensure that arrangements are made to re-start activities quickly and to the maximum extent of the relaxations granted.

Meanwhile, members may enter the Club’s premises for essential maintenance or boat movements only, bearing in mind that travelling is restricted, other than for essential purposes, and for short distances only.

Despite this latest development, we can now look forward to a rapid vaccination programme starting next week and a return to something like normality by spring or early summer.

Meanwhile, keep safe and remember: hands, face, space.

With best wishes for 2021.

Merv Clark


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